429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests

The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

Accessibility Statement

The Helmholtz-Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity is committed to making its website accessible.

This accessibility statement applies to www.hifmb.de.

Information about HIFMB in Easy Language and sign language is available for the German version of the website.

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with BITV 2.0, due to the non-compliances and/or the exemptions listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reason(s):

non-compliance with the BITV 2.0

1. PDF

Description: Not all PDFs on the website are accessible.

Measure: When creating new PDFs, care is taken to ensure that they are accessible.

Disproportionate burden

Subareas that are not designed to be barrier-free because it would be a disproportionate burden (BremBGG ยง 13 (5)):

Subarea: contrasts

Description: The contrast between text color and background color is insufficient for a few elements.

Execution why disproportionate burden exists: The HIFMB builds its corporate design on the corporate design colors of its parent institutes, the University of Oldenburg and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, in order to visually emphasize that they belong together. These colors are also used in the design of the website. It is a disproportionate burden to change the corporate design of two organizations in significant respects.  

This statement was prepared on 10.02.2021 and updaten on 11.01.2022.

The technical review of accessibility was carried out by:

Helmholtz-Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity

Feedback and contact information

We would like to further improve our offer. Feel free to share your digital accessibility issues and questions with us: ed.bmfih@ofni

Enforcement procedure

If your contact with the public body was not successful, you can contact the central office for accessible information technology in Bremen. This also offers further information on enforcement.


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