Press Contact

Stefanie Winner

+49 471 4831-2517

Press releases

Photo: Pixabay | Marcello Sokal

Press release | University of Bielefeld (German)

Meeresbiologen und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler forschen zu nachhaltigem Fischbestand

June 27, 2024

Photo: Pekka Tuuri

Press release | GEOMAR

Novel Genetic Clock discovers oldest known marine plant

June 10, 2024

Photo: Wienhausen et al, Nature

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

Marine bacteria work together to produce a vital vitamin

May 8, 2024

Photo: Pixabay | Arek Socha

Press release | University of Oldenburg

From a cryptic genetic element in the human gut to a sensitive biomarker

April 15, 2024

fishing net
Photo: Pixabay | Nadine Doerle

Press release

New ‘destructive fishing’ definition to kickstart fresh era in fishing policy

March 28, 2024

Photo: Geraint Whittaker

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Where microbiology meets art

October 4, 2023

Photo: OLWIK

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Science in the pub

September 14, 2023

Photo: Joachim Plötz

Press release | Alfred Wegener Institute

Less Ice, Fewer Calling Seals

April 17, 2023

Photo: Pexels | Francesco Ungaro

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Climate change disrupts core habitats of marine species

February 15, 2023

Image: Cities and Memory

Press release | Alfred Wegener Institute

Polar sounds: Remixing the sounds of the Arctic and Antarctic seas

February 3, 2023

Photo: Hirn vom Hahn

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

Wissen frisch gezapft – Hirn vom Hahn findet wieder statt

September 30, 2022

Photo: Daniel Schmidt, UOL

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Iliana Baums new Professor of Marine Conservation at the Helmholtz Institute

September 7, 2022

Photo: Ibrahim Abazid | Unsplash

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

“Up to here and no further”: Clear line enables functioning communities

August 9, 2022

Photo: Helena Herr, University of Hamburg

Press release | Alfred Wegener Institute

150 Whales Observed Feeding Together

July 7, 2022

Drone photo of construction site
Photo: eventfive | Joachim Hofmann

Press release | Oldenburg University (German)

Digital foundation stone laid for Oldenburg Helmholtz Institute

March 15, 2022

Photo: Pixabay

Press release | Stockholm University

Why it’s time we change the way we debate science

February 25, 2022

Portrait Murat Eren
Photo: Daniel Schmidt UOL

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

A. Murat Eren appointed to professor-ship in Ecosystem Data Science

February 14, 2022

Photo: Silke Eilers, University of Oldenburg

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

Pooled knowledge for the protection of the oceans

February 10, 2022

Photo: Universität Oldenburg/Patrick Thomas

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

Microalgae in the Wadden Sea have shrunk in recent years

January 20, 2022

Photo: Samuel Nietzer, ICBM

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

Corals successfully reproduced in the laboratory

April 4, 2021

Photo: Daniel Schmidt

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

breaking for new HIFMB building

July 21, 2021

Photo: teefarm | Pixabay

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Are tipping points suitable concepts for developing environmental policies?

August 17, 2020

Photo: private

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Healthy seas for the benefit of all

June 6, 2020

Photo: pixabay

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Oldenburg marine geographer receives award

May 19, 2020

Photo: private

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Kimberley Peters appointed as professor of Marine Governance

April 20, 2020

Photo: UC Davis

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Thilo Gross appointed as professor of Biodiversity Theory

January 13, 2020

Photo: Anna Persson | Pixabay

Press release | University of Oldenburg

Disturbed ecosystems recover, but not completely

January 23, 2020

Bild von Clownfisch in Anemone
Photo: YumeNichi | Pixabay

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

Science Minister Thümler visits Oldenburg Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity

January 11, 2019

Foto: Universität Oldenburg

Press release | University of Oldenburg (German)

BMBF State Secretary Thomas Rachel visits Oldenburg University and the HIFMB

August 10, 2017

Foto: Universität Oldenburg

Press release | Alfred Wegener Institut (German)

Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity officially founded

May 31, 2017

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