Go to homepage > Institute > People People Find by surname: AllABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVW Or filter by: select teamAll teamsBiodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of AnimalsBiodiversity TheoryBiology of Geological ProcessesDirectorateEco-evolutionary GenomicsEcophysiology of Pelagic Key SpeciesEcosystem Data ScienceEnvironmental BiochemistryICBM-MPI Joint Research Group for Marine GeochemistryJoint Research Group Value of InformationMarine Acoustic Underwater Diversity (MAUD)Marine ConservationMarine GovernanceMarine Molecular EcologyMathematical ModellingMolecular Biodiversity of Eukaryotic MicrobesPhotosymbiosisPlankton EcologyScience Strategy and ManagementSite Managementselect status-groupAll status groupsAlumniPhDPostdocProfessorScientific MemberSenior ScientistStudentselect research-areaAll research areasBiodiversity ChangeConservation and ManagementEcosystem Functions Or search term: Search by name, team, Statusgruppe, research team etc. … Search Reset filters ✕ 99 results Bettina Meyer Ecophysiologist Cameron Byron Human Geographer Channen-Nathalie Herbrand Trainee biology laboratory assistant Christel Hoffmann Office Administrator Dandan Izabel-Shen Microbial Ecology/ Molecular Ecology Daniela Portella Sampaio International Relations Dorothee Hodapp Statistical Biodiversity Expert Fabian Moye Interdisciplinary data scientist Flavia C. Bellotto Trigo Ecologist & Data Scientist Florian Trigodet Frauke Gräßel Site Management Gabriele Gerlach Biologist Geraint Rhys Whittaker Artist-Researcher Helmut Hillebrand Plankton Ecologist Iliana Baums Molecular Ecologist Ilse van Opzeeland Bioacoustician Load more Back to top